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Exchange NPC

On Valhalla, the Exchange NPC allows you to exchange items for high level weapons, armor, and equipment.

The Galka NPC in @mog will allow you to exchange items and upgrade to badass mode!

All armor mods and stats can be viewed on Valhalla DB.

Relic Weapons are the first type of 'ultimate weapons' in FFXI.
You may hold multiple Relics of different levels, but only one of the same level.
Upgrades require Gil and additional items to be traded to the Exchange NPC.


  • Bonus attributes when upgrading them.
  • A special weapon skill that can be used at any level while equipped.
  • Gives Aftermath Effect when used with the corresponding weapon skill.
  • Level 90 Relics will have a permanent white afterglow weapon model.

Lv 75 Relic

  • Purchasable for gil through Relic NPC Vendor in Celennia Memorial Library (Requires Rank 6 and Lv. 70+).
  • Or, can be created through materials and the Relic quest similar to Retail.

Lv. 80 Relic

  • Weapon Upgrade Materials: Lv 75 Relic Weapon + 50x Alexandrite + Gil
  • Aegis: 25x Alexandrite (instead of 50)

Lv. 85 Relic

  • Weapon Upgrade Materials: Lv. 80 Relic Weapon + 50x Kindred Seals + Gil
  • Aegis: 25x Kindred Seals (instead of 50)

Lv. 90 Relic w/ Afterglow

  • Weapon Upgrade Materials: Lv. 85 Relic Weapon + 50x High Kindred Crests + Gil
  • Aegis: 25x High Kindred Crests (instead of 50)

Relic Exchange Table

Gil Upgraded Weapon or Armor Notes: MOST Relics have Occ Damage 2.5x/3x/3.2x/3.4x
50,000 Excalibur Increased Attack, Enmity, Upgrade: Occ absorb damage to MP, VIT/MND
50,001 Aegis Increased Magic DEF, Upgrade: Shield Bash DMG, 5% HP Boost
50,002 Spharai Increased Attack, Upgrade: Extra Kick Attacks
50,003 Mandau Increased Attack, Upgrade: TH+1/2/3, Poison
50,004 Ragnarok Increased Accuracy
50,005 Guttler Increased Attack, Upgrade: Boosted Charm Chance
50,006 Bravura Increased Accuracy, Upgrade: 10% for 2x DMG on Double Attack proc
50,007 Apocalypse Increased Accuracy, Upgrade: Additional Attack Power
50,008 Gungir Increased Accuracy, Upgrade: Jump Attack Bonus 55+
50,009 Kikoku Increased Attack, Upgrade: 10% for extra dual wield attack
50,010 Amanomurakumo Increased Accuracy, Upgrade: 8.5% for 2x DMG on Zanshin proc
50,011 Mjollnir Increased Attack, Upgrade: 3.5% chance to Absorb Physical to MP
50,012 Claustrum Increased ACC, Upgrade: 15/25% MP, +25 All Resist
50,013 Annihilator Increased Ranged Attack/Accuracy, Upgrade: +150 RATT, +60 RACC, 37% 3x DMG
50,014 Yoichi Increased Ranged Attack/Accuracy, Upgrade: +150 RATT, +60 RACC
50,015 Gjallarhorn Increased song duration +6/7/8, Upgrade: +1/2 songs at 85/90, 44/54/64+ CHR

All Mythic Weapons include unique bonus stats that increase as you upgrade it.
You may hold multiple mythics of different levels, but only one of the same level.
Level 90 Mythical Weapons have a permanent blue afterglow model.
All Mythic Upgrades require Gil and additional items to be traded to the Exchange NPC.

⚠ Note: The Gil amount selects which job's weapon to purchase and changes based on upgrade. Use caution before exchanging.

Lv 75 Mythic - Method 1

  • 25x 100 Byne Bill
  • 25x M. Silverpiece
  • Level 75 Gil Cost (from table below)

Lv 75 Mythic - Method 2

  • 50x Alexandrite
  • Level 75 Gil Cost (from table below)

Lv 80 Mythic

  • 50x Kindred Crests
  • 1x Your Lv 75 Mythic Weapon
  • Upgrade Gil Cost (from table below)

Lv 85 Mythic

1. Defeat any Tier 4 Zeni Notorius Monster (ZNM) to obtain a trophy item.

2. Trade the Exchange NPC your trophy for 1x Mog Kupon A-Lum.

Tier IV ZNM Trophy Exchange Reward
1x Tygers Tail 1x Mog Kupon A-Lum
1x Sarameya Hide 1x Mog Kupon A-Lum
1x Tinnin Fang 1x Mog Kupon A-Lum

3. Trade the Exchange NPC:

  • 3x Mog Kupon A-Lum (Kupon L)
  • 1x Lv 80 Mythic
  • Upgrade Gil Cost (from table below)

Lv 90 Mythic /w Afterglow

1. Obtain a Mog Kupon W-EMI. Kupon(s) drop from Challenge: Pandemonium Warden [90] instance in Leafallia (@leaf command).

2. Trade Mog Kupon W-EMI to the Bestiary NPC in @lib for a Lv 75 Blank Mythic weapon.

3. Trade the following to the Exchange NPC:

  • 1x Lv 75 Blank Mythic from above
  • 1x Lv 85 Mythic
  • Upgrade Gil Cost

Mythic Exchange Table

Mythic Weapon Lv 75 Gil Cost LV 80 / 85 / 90 Gil Upgrade Cost
Conqueror 250,000 100,000
Glanzfaust 250,001 100,001
Yagrush 250,002 100,002
Laevateinn 250,003 100,003
Murgleis 250,004 100,004
Vajra 250,005 100,005
Burtgang 250,006 100,006
Liberator 250,007 100,007
Aymur 250,008 100,008
Carnwenhan 250,009 100,009
Gastraphetes 250,010 100,010
Kogasumaru 250,011 100,011
Nagi 250,012 100,012
Ryunohige 250,013 100,013
Nirvana 250,014 100,014
Tizona 250,015 100,015
Death Penalty 250,016 100,016
Kenkonken 250,017 100,017
Terpsichore 250,018 100,018
Tupsimati 250,019 100,019

All Mythic Stats can be found on the Ultimate Weapons page.

Upgrading your AF2+1

This upgrade turns AF2+1 armor into AF2+2 armor.
Requires 25x Forgotten Memories per piece of armor.
You do not need to complete Chains of Promathia (CoP) missions to enter the Dynamis CoP Areas below.

1. Gather 25 of the required from these areas:

Item Area Slot
Forgotten Thought Dynamis-Tavnazia Head
Forgotten Hope Dynamis-Tavnazia Body
Forgotten Touch ♦ Dynamis-Valkurm Hands
Forgotten Journey Dynamis-Qufim Legs
Forgotten Step Dynamis-Buburimu Feet

♦ also very rare chance in Dynamis-SandOria and Dynamis-Qufim

2. Trade the Exchange NPC 1x AF2+1 armor piece and 25x Forgotten memory.

  • Example: Warriors Mask +1 AND 25x Forgotten Thought = Warriors Mask +2

Empyrean Armor is often referred to as Artifact Armor 3 (AF3).
These armor sets are 5 piece, job specific equipment that can be upgraded into powerful, high quality items AF3+1 and AF3+2.

Base AF3

AF3 Head / Body / Hands can be purchased at NPCs in Abyssea using Cruor.
They are near the maw when you zone-in to an Abyssea area.
No requirements needed to purchase, other than the cost of Cruor or Dominion Notes.

AF3 Legs / Feet are available through defeating Custom BCNMs.

  • Legs are dropped from the Arch-Ultima BCNM.
  • Feet are dropped from the Arch-Omega BCNM.
  • These battles will drop a Kupon item that can be traded to the Bestiary in @lib in exchange for equipment.


Area NPC Job(s) Armor Piece Initial Cost
Abyssea-Attohwa Cruor Prospector WAR/MNK/WHM/BLM/RDM/THF AF3 Head 5000 Cruor
Abyssea-Misereaux Cruor Prospector PLD/DRK/BST/BRD/RNG AF3 Head 5000 Cruor
Abyssea-Vunkerl Cruor Prospector SAM/NIN/DRG/SMN/BLU/COR/PUP/SCH/DNC AF3 Head 5000 Cruor
Abyssea-Altepa Cruor Prospector WAR/MNK/WHM/BLM/RDM/THF AF3 Hands 5000 Cruor
Abyssea-Uleguerand Cruor Prospector PLD/DRK/BST/BRD/RNG AF3 Hands 5000 Cruor
Abyssea-Grauberg Atma Infusionist SAM/NIN/DRG/SMN/BLU/COR/PUP/SCH/DNC AF3 Hands 5000 Cruor.
Abyssea-Altepa Dominion Tactician WAR/MNK/WHM/BLM/RDM/THF AF3 Body 1500 Dominion Notes
Abyssea-Uleguerand Dominion Tactician PLD/DRK/BST/BRD/RNG AF3 Body 1500 Dominion Notes
Abyssea-Grauberg Dominion Tactician SAM/NIN/DRG/SMN/BLU/COR/PUP/SCH AF3 Body 1500 Dominion Notes
Sealion's Den Arch-Ultima All Jobs AF3 Legs N/A
Sealion's Den Arch-Omega All Jobs AF3 Feet N/A

Also see:

Commonly known as AF3+1, this armor is available by upgrading a piece of Base AF3 Armor at the Exchange NPC.

Head, Body, Hands, and Legs

  • Collect multiple +1 Seal Items (EX items) which drop from NMs in one of several Abyssea zones.


Upgrade Cost:

  • Head = 8x Seals
  • Body = 10x Seals
  • Hands = 8x Seals
  • Legs = 8x Seals
  • Feet = 8x Seals


  • Trade 1x Base AF3 Armor and the 8-10 Seals to the Exchange NPC to receive an upgraded AF3+1 Armor.

This upgrade requires multiple Coins/Cards/Jewels/Stones which drop from NMs in the Abyssea zones.
The required Coin/Card/Jewel/Stone is specific to your job and can be found at BGWiki here: Empyrean_Armor

Upgrade Cost:

  • Head = 6x Coin/Card/Jewel/Stones
  • Body = 9x Coin/Card/Jewel/Stones
  • Hands = 6x Coin/Card/Jewel/Stones
  • Legs = 6x Coin/Card/Jewel/Stones
  • Feet = 6x Coin/Card/Jewel/Stones


  • Trade 1x AF3+1 Armor + 6-9 Coins/Cards/Jewels/Stones to the Exchange NPC to receive an upgraded AF3+2 Armor.

See the Empyrean Weapons page.